Thursday, February 5, 2009


FCPS part-1 january 2009 ( RADIOLOGY)

Contributed by Dr. Usman (
Well the paper consisted of paper 1 and paper 2 . although I cannot commit to my memory all the mcqs but an effort is made to recall as many possible as it can be,to benefit my colleagues in future.i have tried to give the correct answers which I have later confirmed from authenticated sources but the margin of error is still there . I hope it will be benefical. anyone requiring any advice regarding fcps 1 feel free to contact on my e mail. Looking forward for your prayers.

1. Gastric emptying inhibited by
Ans. CCK

2. Which hepatitis has the most mortality
a. hepA
b. hep B
c. hep C
d. hep D ( ans)
e. Hep E

3. Aldosterone secretion increases in response to
a. hyponatremia
b. increase ACTH
c. hyperkalemia (ans)

4. 65% Na reabsorption is in
a. PCT (ans )
b. DCT

5. osmotic pressure depends on
a. increase molecular size
b. increase no of particles (ans)
c. electric charge

6. regarding heamoglobin
a doesnot carry CO2
b. acts as a buffer (answer )
c. contains 2 alpha and 2 gamma chains

7. diffusion is inversely proportional to
a. thichness of the membrane (ans )

8. infants tend to defecate immediately after they eat because of
a. gastroileal reflex
b. gastrocolic reflex (ans)

9. cause of achlasia is
a. loss of myenteric plexus (ans )

10. appendix
a. does not have tenia coli (ans )

11. what is the energy source after 48 hrs of starvation
a. muscle glycogen
b. liver glycogen
c. muscle proteins (answer)

12. which is not the part of portal tract
a. hepatic artery
b. connective tissue
c. portal vein
d. hepatic vein (ans)
e. bileduct

13. what results after portal hypertension
a. increase portal diameter (ans )

14. Benedict test is used for
a. urine glucose
b. urine ketones (ans)
c. serum glucose

15. iron absorption increases in
a. ferrous form (ans)

16. total gasrectomy results in
a. iron def anemia
b. microcytic anemia
c. pernicious anemia (ans)

17.women with gravida 4 hb 8 occult blood in stool cause
a. iron def anemia (ans)

18.which hormone is responsible for fetal brain development
a. growth hormone
b. prolactin
c. thyroid hormone (ans)

19.adrenal cortical def results in
a. hyperglycemia
b. hypokalemia
c. hyponatremia (ans)
20. hyperPTH will be in all except
a. brown atrophy
b. dystrophic calcification (ans)

21.pseudohyper PTH is seen in
a. vit D def
b. paraneoplastic PTH release from tumours ( I think it is the answer )

22. diagnostic criteria for pre malignant condition
a. increase nuclear cytoplasmic ratio
b. pleomorphism
c. mitotic figures

23. diagnostic criteria for malignant tumours
a. pleomorphism
b. mitotic figure
c. local invasion

24. diagnostic criteria for soft tissue tumours
a. pleomorphism
b. mitotic figures
c. increase vascularity

25. patient with decrease hb, decrease platelets but increase TLC with generalized lymphadenopathy. Lymphocytes normal appearance cause
a. tuberculous lymphadenitis
b. non Hodgkin lymphoma
c. hairy cell
d. CLL

26.patient with CML develop joint pain, which investigation
a. uric acid (ans)
b. RA factor

27. most important chemotactic agent
a. leukotriene B4
b. C5 complex (ans)
c. histamine

28. heparin is released by which cells
a. mast cells
b. basophils ( I think so it is the ans )
c. platelets
d. neutrophils

29. most radiosensitive tumour
a. bone
b. lung
c. lymphnode
d. brain

30.least site of metastasis
a. brain
b. lung
c. liver
d. lymphnode
e. spleen ( ans )

31.sideeffect of theophylline
a. hypertension
b. seizures (ans)
c. nausea vomiting
d. apnea

32. most common side effect of estrogen contraceptive
a. thromboembolism ( ans)

33. which hormone decrease cholesterol
a. progesterone
b. estrogen ( ans)

34.women with lower abdominal pain on 18 day of LMP presented with secondary infertility . diagnostic D&C will show endometrium in which sage
a. ovulatory
b. secretory
c. proliferative
d. premenstrual

35. insulin def will result in
a. protein synthesis
b. glycogen syntheseis
c. ketogeneis in liver (ans)

36. which is a stress hormone
a. cortisol (ans)
b. NE

37. severe dehydration will result in
a. loss of ICF only
b. loss of ECF only
c. loss of total body water (ans)

38. most imp ICF electrolyte in excess
a. K+(ans)
b. Na
c. Cl-
d. HCO3

39. Bilesalts absorb from
a. ileum (ans)
b. jejunum

40.factor 1X def what should be given
a. cryoprecipitate
b. FFP
c. whole blood

41.heavy smoker with hoarseness vocal cord will show
a. hyperplasia (ans)
b. tumour
c. atrophy

42.what is not present in bowman capsule
a. podocytes
b. stratified epithelium (ans)

43. habitual smoker the epithelium will be
a. continuous stratified sq epi
b. pseudo stratified epi with patches of stratified sq epi

44. regarding CSF
a. produced by chroidplexus which is cauliflower in shape coverd by smooth muscle
b. daily production is 500 ml per day(ans)

45. axon doesnot contain
a. mitochondia
b. nissl substance (ans)

46. PDGF released from which organelles of platelets
a. alpha granules (ans)
b. dense granules
c. cytoplasm
d. cell membrane

47. smooth muscle is
a. striated
b. cardiac muscle is a specialized smooth muscle (ans)

48.somites are formed from
a. ectoderm
b. mesoderm (ans)
c. mesenchyma has difficulty rising from sitting position but flexion of leg is normal, which musle is involved
b.gluteusmaximus (ans)
c. sartorius

50.pellagra is due to
a. niacin def (ans)

51.which enzyme common to metabolism of both NE and serotonin
b. MAO (ans )

52. thin filament is covered by
a. titin
b. tropomyosin ( ans)
c. troponin t

53.narrowest part of urethra
a. external meatus (ans)
b. membranous urethra
c. navicular fossa

54.dorsal rami contribute to
a. extensors of trunk(ans)
b. flexors of neck
c. extensors of leg

55.diapgragm doesnot arise from
a. T10(ans)
b. 7th costal cartilage
c.9th rib
d. L1

56.bones of carpel
a. proximal row contains scaphoid, lunate,triquetral, pisiform(ans0

57.lattismus dorsi nerve supply
a. thoracodorsal n (ans)

58.artery which is adjacent to the phrenic nerve
a. internal thoracic
b. musculophrenic
c. pericardiophrenic (ans) recurrent laryngeal n not associated with
a. arch of aorta
b.ligamentum arterisus
c. trachea and esophagus
d. sup vena cava (ans)

60.foreign body enters into rt lung because
a. it is more vertical and wider than left lung(ans)

61.enlargement of which part of the heart causes esophageal obs
a. left atrium (ans)
b. rt atrium
c. rt ventricle

62. which vein of heart is located in posterior interventricular sulcus
a middle cardiac vein(ans)
b. anterior cardiac vein
c. great cardiac vein

63.contraction of diaphragm causes
a.increase thoracic pr
b.decrease abdominal pr
c. increase thoracic volume (ans)

64.medial quadrant of breast lymph drainage
a. internal thoracic nodes (ans)
b. posterior nodes
c. axillary nodes

65. tumour of cervix will spread to labius majora via
a. roung ligament of uterus (ans )

66clavipectoral fascia
a. invests pectoral minor muscle (ans)
b. is pierced by axillary artery continuous with prevertebral fasia

67. blockage of rt marginal artery will result in interruption of blood supply to
a. SA node
b. interatrium wall
c. rt atrium (ans)

68.thoracic duct
a. passes thru aortic opening (ans)

69.structure precent b/w celiac trunk and sup mesenteric artery
a. pancrease and jejunum
b. pancrease (ans)

70. structure not lying posterior to left kidney is
a. duodenum (ans)
b. spleen
c. tail of pancrease

71. most anterior structure in popliteal fossa is
a. popliteal vein
b. common peroneal n
c. tibial n
d. popliteal artery (ans)

72. regarding autosomal recessive trait
a. chances of siblings to be affected is one in four

73. sup petrosal sinus is related to
a. diaphragmatic sella
b. tentorium cerebelli
c. sella turtica
d. falx cebri

74. middle cerebral vein drains into
a. cavernous sinus
b. straight sinus

75. proximal portion of CBD is supplied by
a. cystic artey (ans)
b. rt hepatic artery
c. left hepatic artery

76.cbd is divided in to following portions
a. retroduodenal+infraduodenal+supraduodenal+intraduodenal(ans)

77. lesseromentum is divided inti following portions
a. gastrohepatic+hepatoesophageal+hepatoduodenal+gastrodenal (ans)

78. regarding mekels diverticulum
a. it is a remanant of embryonic yolk sac (ans)
b. it is precent in 10% of population
c. it is 60cm distal to ileocecal valve
79. what is the commenest site of ureter stone obstruction in a standing male patient
a. lateral wall of pelvis
b. pelvic brim (ans)
c. upper part of ureter

80. calculate the median in following data 20,24,25,30,30,35
a. 30
b. 28.5(ans)
c. 35

81. regarding behavioural sciences , how is the professionalism of a doctor judged
a. punctuality
b. reputation
c. knowledge

82. in order to disclose news regarding fatal disease
a. patient should know fist
b. relatives should be told first
c. information should be hidden

83. two gps of patients given haemmorhoidal treatment and their effect seen with time
a. prospective cohort study(ans)

84.antibodies are produced by which cells
a. neutrophils
b. plasmacells(ans)
c. macrophages
d. lymphocytes

85fat embolism all are true except
a. take place with damage to fat tissue only (ans)
b. trauma to the breast atherosclerosis following are seen
a. foam cells (ans)

87. migratory thrombophlebitis is seen in
a. acute pancreatitis
b. chronic recurrent pancreatitis
c. pancreatic tumour (ans)

88.which structure crosses the aorta
a.left renal vein (ans)
b rt renal vein
c. left ovarian vein

OCTOBER 08 Questions, ?subject

Contributed by Dr Farhan Karim, but forgot to tell about the subject in which he took the exam.

1.What is most lateral in cerebral hemisphere :
Pars triangularis *
Pars interemedia

2.Below the umblicus anterior abdomen is formed by:
External intercostal and part of Internal oblique*
Internal intercostals and part of transverse abdominis uscle
External intercostals and transverse abdominis muscle
Internal intercostals and transverse abdominis muscle

3.Pre cancerous in aids:

4.In liver of a patient under the microscope a lesion was seen with central cheesy appearance surrounded by large cells with lymphocytes and fibroblast what type of necrosis is present

5.Which harmone of the following stimulates thirst

6.Which has no antigens

7.In a thyroid surgery mass was excisied which microscopically showed amyloids post surgically which marker would be taken in account

8.Which variant rises with rise in BP
Venous tone
Arterial tone

9.When r the ventricles most filled with blood '
Rapid inflow
Atrial systole
Ventricular systole

10.Example of wet gangrene
Bacterial endocarditis

11.Which of the following harmone stops ovulation during lactation

12Which of the follwing delays wound healing
Vit c*
Vit E

13.feature of Downs Syndrome
Cardiac anomolies
Early death*

14Turner syndrome has
Chromosomal defect
Short stature*
Tall stature

15.X linked dominant
Familial polyposis*
Glycogen storage

16.Which of the following tissue is most radiosensitive
Skeletal muscle

17.In dorsal column lesion which of the following will be lost
Crude touch

18.Asthma has low

19.Pre carcinogenic is

20.Common feature in nitrates, isoprenaline . Throphylline is
Postural hypotension
Rapid pulse

21.Midarm circumference is the measure of

22.Temporal Arteritis is diagnosis by
WBC count

23.In food poisoning death occur by
Exotxin of samonella
Vibro cholera *
Endotoxin of Shigella

24.Long term granulomatous disease is
Ulcerative colitis*

25.Water reabsorption through ADH is done in
Loop of henle

26.The organ placed retroperitoneally is

26.Urinary bladder in male is
Completely covered by peritoneum
Superiorly covers
From rectum separated by fascia of Denon Villiers

27.Hydrocephalus occurs because of obstruction in
I/v foramen*

28.Hipocampal injury causes
Sex rage
Loss of Memory*
Temperature disturbances

27.What organ lesion causes hypothermia
Lateral hypothalamus
Post hypothalamus *

28.Chemotactic factors functions mostly in
Margination '
Acute inflammation

29. Paramesonephric duct remnant in male is
Appendice testis

30.Musle traversing the shoulder joint

31.Blood spread of CA occurs 1st in
Epiphyseal plate

32.A boy presented in the ER with fracture with less seum calcium.He is suffering from
Primary hypoparathyroidism
Vit D deficiency
2ndry hypoparathyroidism

33.Example of synchondrosis is
Involves hyaline crtlg b/w 2 bones
Costal joint

34.Erythropoietin is secreted from
Yellow marrow
Jg complex
Macula densa
Preitubualr capillaries
Loop of henle

35. Gluteus medius , minimus
Adducts,laterally rotate
Adducts .medially rotate
Abducts, medially rotate
Abducts, laterally rotate
Flexes , medially rotate

36.Juvenile polyps are also called
Rectal polyps
Internal haemorrhoids

37.TGlycerides are absorbed in

38.In gastrectomy loss of following occurs
Intrinsic facor
Vit D

39.Hb is enclosed in RBC at stage of
Late normoblast

40.Adrenal gland is separated from kidney by
Peritoneal fascia
Renal fascia
Perinephric fat

41.About antibodies
Have varible2 heavy chains
IgM is abundant

42.Median nerve supplies
Palmar medial 1/3
Palmar and dorsal medialm1/3
Dorsal medial 1/3
Dorsal 2/3 lateral

43.About 1st lumbrical
Arises from 2nd meta carpal
Is bipennate
Supplied by median nerve

44.Lumbricals are supplied by
Median neve deep br of median n
Deep br of ulnar n

45.Lateral part of breast supplied by
Ant group
Post group
Lateral group
Central group

46.The muscle of passive inspiration is
External intercostal
Internal intercostal
Scalenes muscles

47.Lymph drainage of lateral 2/3 of tongue occurs through
Sup deep cervical nodes
Inferior deep cervical nodes
Submandibular nodes
Submental nodes

48.Boil on the tip of the tongue will drain into following lymph nodes
Submental nd submandibular

49.Posterior triangle in the neck has follwing boundries
Ant ant border of SCM post omohyoid
Post ant border of SCM and ant diagastric
Ant post border of SCM and post ant border of trapezius

50.Left recurrent laryngeal nerve has
Shorter route than right recurrent laryngeal nerve
Branch of vagus nerve
Supplies all the muscles of soft palate
Supplies all the muscles of larynx

51.Right hepatic artery is branch of
Hepatic artery
gastroduodenal artery
Ceoliac artery
Splenic artery

52.Subcapsularis sinus is present in
Lymph nodes
Payers patches
Palatine tonsils

53.After illeal resection absorption of which of the following components does not take place
Tglyceric acid
Vit d
Vit c

54.In CRF all of following occurs except

55.Patient after radiation vomited for 4hrs Cl is raised, he has
Metabolic acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis wirh ion gap
Metabolic alkalosis

56.Patientt has Babinski + lesion is in
Dorsal column
Ant column

57.Inferior rectal artery is a branch of
Ext illiac
Int illiac
Sup epigastric
Int pudendal artery
Femoral artery

58.Peristalsis in the intestine inhibited by

59.Granuloma formation does not occur in
Cat scratch fever

60.One of the following is not a feature of anaerobe
Granuloma formation

61.Melanocytes originate from
Neural crest

62.Structures which passes through the aortic opening is
vagus and azygous vn
Azygous vn
Phrenic nerve

63.IJV drain in
Petrosal sinus
Sagittal sinus
Straight sinus
Sigmoid sinus

64.Liver helps in immunity by
Detoxfying noxious agents
Kupffer cells

65.Sour and hot is perceived by tongue through
Von ebner cells
Folate papillae
Pain fibers

66.ADH is inhibited by

67.In testis seminferous tubules show following under M/S
Sertoli cells
Mixed cells

68.Constricting afferent ducts in kidney reduces
Creatinine clearance
Glucose claerance

69.A boy is malnutrioned and has edema due to protien loss his
Plasma colloid pressure is decreased
Increase hydrostatic pressure
Blocked lymphatics

70.Cholestatic cholangitis is caused by
Colonercis selecans
diphyllobothrum latum

71.After appendicectomy what may be damaged
Inguinal ligament
Superior epigastric artery
Illhypogastric nerve
Spermatic cord

72.The mc burney point indicates the presence of tip of appendix.Following is true about appendix
Appendix ha incomplete muscular coat
Appendix not attached to mesentry
Supplied by ceoliac artery

73.One of the following is not a branch of External carotid artery
Lingual A
Ophtalmic A
Occipital A
Maxillary A
Suprficial temporal A

74.Femoral artery can be palpated in
Mid inguinal lateral to pubic tubercle
Mid point of inguinal ligament
Adductor canal

75.Apex of the femoral triangle
Lies under inguinal ligament
Contains small saphenous vein
Contains nodes
Is pointed downwards

76.Medial side of hand is supplied by
Median nerve
Ulnrr nerver
Radial nerve
Axillary nerve

77.Vomiting center is persent in

78.Patient wirh Gravida 4 Par4 Abortio 0 with anemia and occult blood in stool
Fe deficiency anemia
Pernicious anemia
Anemia of chronic disease
Sideroblastic anemia

79.Injury to the neck and head of fibula causes damage to
Sural nerve
Sciatic nerve
Tibial nerve
Common peroneal nerve

80.Nerve to ligamentum teres capitis is
Femoral n
Obturator n
Medial femoral n
Lat circumflex femoral n

81.Artery to head of femur is
Medial femoral circumflex a
Lateral femoral circumflex a
Obturator a
Femoral a

82.Muscranic receptors are present in
Postgaglionic parasympathetic
Postgaglionic sympathetic
Preganglionic parasympathetic
Preganglionic sympathetic

83.On bronchoscopy bronchoscope will 1st enter
Sup bronchus
Apical bronchus
Inf bronchus
Middle apical bronchus

84.Essential fatty acid is

85.In tissue bleeding occurs because of
Loss of coagulation factors
Congenital disorders
Endothelial damage
dec FDF

86.Following is not a feature of DIC
Dec BT
Dec PT
Dec thrombin time
Dec platelets

87.Role of middle ear bones is
Transmit sound
Amplify sound
Does not respond to low noise
Are sesamoid bones

88.Direct inguinal hernia lies
Lateral to inf epigastric a
Medial ti sup epigastric a
medial to inf epigastric a
Medial to pubic tubercle

89.Thrombosis is initiated by
Arachidonic metabolites
Thromboxane A2

90.Most drug metabolism occur in

91. End artery

SURGERY October 2008

Dr Qasim Hussain, M.D (Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan)
Dr.Muhammad Irfan, M.D (Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan)

FCPS -1 SURGERY 15, OCT 2008

1. A boy with lean body mass with fracture of arm osteopenia
a) VIT D deficiency
2. Regulation of PO2 and breathing rate is controlled by
a) Carotid bodies
3. Pallor, Lithargic patient with difficulty of walking have
Hb 5, TLC 3500cm,
a) Vit B 12
4. Hot souses on tongue, taste sent co taste centre by
a) Chemoreceptor

5. Which is not a cause of anaerobic?
a) Granulation formation

6. Right Gastric artery is a branch of
a) Hepatic artery

7) GFR is increased by increase in resistance
a) Efferent arterioles

8. Atypical Tuberculosis
a) Does not responds to common Anti TB drugs

9. Which blood group have no agglutinin?
a) AB+

10. Essential fatty acid is
a) Leniolenic acid

11. If large amount of Dextrose water is given to a patient
a) Decrease ADH

12. Interstitial fluid is
a) 1/3 of TBW

13) Not includes in enzymes of necrosis
a) Protease
c) Hyaluronic acid

14. In lymph nodes, seen
a) Caseous necrosis

15. Iron deficiency anemia best diagnosed?
a)Increase TIBC
b) Serum ferritin

16. Bones of Ear
a) Amplify sound waves

17) Immune mechanism of Liver lies in
a) Kuffer cells

18. in Liver Cirrhosis
a) Increase PT

19. Smell fibers from nose
a) Does not reach Thalamus

20. Heat Loss Mechanism lies in
a) Posterior hypothalamus

21. Lymph nodes of lower lip drain into
a) Submental and submandibular lymph nodes

22. Insulin deficiency
a) Ketogenesis in liver

23. Subcapsular afferent lymph is in
a) Lymph nodes

24. SA node is supplied by
a) RCA

25. SA node is located on
a) Above the sulcus terminals

26. Death from food poisoning occur with
a) C. Botulism

27. Pretracheal fascia completely covers
a) Thyroid

28. Narrowest part of male urethra is
a) External meatus

29. Which cranial nerves are parasympathetic?
ANS: CN 3, 7,9,10

30. Contusion to Lateral border of Fibula result in
a) Common peroneal nerve damage

31. What causes depolarization?
a) Na+ influx

32. Helps in diagnosis of colonic carcinoma
a) CEA

33. What is called juvenile polyp?
a) Hamartomatous

34. Which is a characteristic of Cancer?
a) Pleomorphism---ANSWER
b) Increase mitotic figure

35. Increase of Platelets aggregation is by:
a)Thromboxane A2

36. A 20 year old boy with Headache and photobphobia
With high grade fever. LP shows in CSF neutrophils 40,000
Glucose 3.5mg

a) Acute Bacterial meningitis

37. Ansa cervicalis is
a) Hpoglossal nerve and C1, 2, 3

38) Mitral valve lies between
a) Left atrium and left ventricle

39. If resected 10inch ilium,
a) Decreased bile salts reabsorption

40. Wound heals poorly if absent
a) VIT C in diet

41. High level of creatinine is seen in

42. Neurogenic shock is
a) Vasomotor injury

43. In Down syndrome seen
a) Short stature

44. XXY is
a) Klinefilter syndrome

45. Patient with some pituitary tumor has infertility, possibly due to
a) Increase level of prolactin in serum

46. Cause of lymphoid tumor in HIV patient is
a) EBV

47. a patient developed HAV completely recovered. Biopsy will show
a) Normal hepatic architecture

48. Neurohypophysis contains
a) Pititicytes

49. Melanocytes are derived from
a) Neural crest cells

50. Erythropoietin is produced by
a) peri tubular capillaries

51. ADH works on
a) Collecting ducts

52. Posterior to Urinary bladder is
a) Fascia Donovillaris

53. In adults, the spinal cord ends in
a) Below L1

54. Malignant malaria is caused by
a) Falciparam malaria
55. Dorsal column damage leads to loss of
a) Proprioception
56. What is buried in lateral sulcus?
a) Insula
57. A patient can utter few words. Where is lesion?
a) Broca's area
58. Spinal cord is supplied by
a) Vertebral artery

59. Complements are decreased in
a) SLE
60. If infection of abdomen spread to retroperitonium, can reach to colon?
a) Descending colon
61. IgE is present on
a) Basophils
62. A patient has some gastric problem
a) Iron Deficiency anemia
63. If Gastric mucosal permeability is increased
a) H+ comes out in lumen of stomach and damage mucosal barrier
64. Anterior Cardiac veins into
a) Right Atrium
65. Most common cause of malignancy is
a) Asbestosis
66. in bronchial Asthma, seen
a) Eosinophilia
67. END arteries are seen in
a) Spleen
77. Medially rotate and abduct the thigh is
a) Gluteus Medius and and Gluteus Minimus
78. Source of folic Acid is
a) Vegetables
79. Neurovascular bundle is in
a) inner and innermost muscles

80. Liver transplant, the cause of hepatitis is
a) CMV
81. END diastolic volume is
a) 120ml
82. Palpable anterior Auxiliary lymph nodes, most probably due to
a) CA breast
83. 1st heart sound is best listened on
a) On Mid clavicular line, 5th ICS
84. S3 is produced by
a) Rapid filling of left ventricle
85. Berry aneurysms are mostly found in
a) cerebrum
86. Cause of edema is
a) Decreased colloidal osmotic pressure
87. Patient with bronchial asthma has
a) Decreased FEV1
88. Structure not related to Right kidney is
a) Descending colon
89) Temporal arteritis best diagnosed by
a) Temporal artery biopsy
90. Aneurysm of abdominal aorta compresses
a) Thoracic duct
91. in EAC, young patient came with fracture of arm.
On attempt to measure the B.P, tetany is seen, mostly due to
a) Vit. D deficiency
92. Remittent of paramesonephric duct in male is
a) Appendix testis
93. Direct inguinal hernia in
a) Medial to inferior epigestric artery\
94. Achalasia is due to
a) Absent ganglions in LES
95. During fasting, circumference of mid arm is decreased after one month due to
a) Decreased protein of body
96. Myelination of peripheral nerves are by
a) Schwann cells
97. Myasthenia gravis improves on taking
a) Anti cholinesterase drugs
98. Hydrocephalas occurs blockage of
a) Aqueduct salvias
99. Which structure passes through shoulder joint cavity?
a)tendon of long head of biceps
100. Impaired metabolism of purine cause in urine
a) Increased uric acid
101. Most important muscle of inspiration is
a) Diaphragm

102. Most sensitive to radiotherapy
a) Lymphocytes
103 What is branch of ICA?
ANS: Ophthalmic artery
104. Squamous cell is cervix is an example of
ANS: Metaplasia
105: Thoracic duct drain all except
ANS: cerebrum
106: Increase blood in heart chamber is
ANS: Isovolumatric relaxation
107: If Clavicle is fractured, its lateral part is pulled down by:
ANS: Subclavius muscle
108. For uncoupled oxidative phosphorylation, which hormone?
ANS: Thyroid hormone
109: Diarrhea improves on fasting is
ANS: Osmotic
110: Source of energy to brain during fasting:
ANS: Amino Acid
111: Which of the following is not antiseptic?
ANS: Acetyl Salicylic Acid
112: Aging determined by bones?
ANS: Angle of mandible is less obtuse
113: Lacrimal gland is supplied by?
ANS: Ptyrigopalatine ganglion
114: During Episiotomy, damaged
ANS: Lavator Ani muscles
115: Broadmann's area 312 is also called
ANS: somatosensory area
116: Surfactant is produced by?
ANS: Pneumocyte II
117: Sigmoid sinus is continuous with
ANS: Internal carotid artery
118: In shock, what will decrease?
ANS: Venous compliance
119: Is a sign upper motor neuron lesion?
ANS: Babinsky sign
120: If numerous epitheliod cells are surrounded by lymphocytes, called
ANS: Caseous necrosis (Granuloma)
121: Fracture of medial epicondyl of humerous, on hand lost sensations?
ANS: medial 1/3 of hand palm, and dorsal 1/3 of hand
122: Winging of scapula is due to damage of?
ANS: Serratus anterior muscle
123: Right adrenal gland is
ANS: Pyramidal shape
124: Submucosal gland is in ?
ANS: Duodenum
125: Which is true?
ANS: Right brochus is longer
126: In bronchial asthma?
ANS: increased breathing by stimulating beta –adrenergic
127: inferior rectal artery is a branch of
ANS: internal pudendal artery
128: Is not a carcinogen?
ANS: Cyclophosphamide
129: Microsomal metabolism is
ANS: Liver
130: Half life is
ANS: time to metabolism of half of drug
131: Most of the drug is metabolize in
ANS: Liver
132 Diverticulosis occurs:
ANS: sigmoid colon
133: Stimulation of RBC from bone marrow by?
ANS: Erythropoietin
134: Occult blood in stool is in
ANS: Iron deficiency anemia
135: Partial gastrectomy
ANS: Pernicious anemia
136: Fat store is increased by
ANS: insulin
137: In stress which hormone is released?
ANS: Cortisol
138: Temperature regulator centre is in?
ANS: Hypothalamus
139: In heart
ANS: Right atrium lies anterior to left atrium
140: In hypovolumic shock
ANS: Rapid intravenous fluids
141: Not seen in DIC
ANS: Thrombocytosis
142: Best method of diagnosing ectopic pregnancy
ANS: Laparoscopy
143: superior parathyroid is
ANS: supplied by superior thyroid artery
144: The supra renal gland
ANS: The supra renal gland is supplied artery which is direct branch of aorta
145: Gas gangrene is not caused by
ANS: Bacterial endocarditis
146: permeability of a substance depends on
ANS: Total crosses sectional area
147: A patient can't abduct arm, but if supported up to 30 degree, can do. What is?
ANS: Supraspinatus muscle
148: incision between umbilicus and ribs passes
ANS: external oblique, anterior fibers of internal oblique, Rectus muscle
Posterior fibers of internal oblique, transverse muscle
149: Lymph from posterior 1/3 drain into
ANS: deep superior cervical lymph nodes
150) Negative Montoux test is seen in
a) Steroid therapy
b) Immunosuppressive Therapy
151) Permeability of a substance depends on

ANSWER a) Total cross sectional area-
b) Carrier
c) Receptors
152. A patient developed type I anaphylactic reaction. Treatment of choice?
ANS: Adrenaline
153: Amputated leg is the result of
ANS: Amniotic bands

154. Widal test is positive? Don’t Know
A) 1: 80 for O antigen
B) 1:180 for O antigen
C ) 1: 100 for O antigen
D ) 1:180 for O and H antigen
E) 1:80 for H antigen
155. Actin physically binds with
A) Troponin
B) Tropomyosin-------ANS
C) Myosin

156. congenital omphaloseal?
A) Not associated with any congenital Heart diseases----- wrong
B) Associated with VSD?
c) Associated with ASD?
D) B and C?

157.Polysithemia rubra vera associated with
a) bone tumors----ANS
b) lung diseased
c)Living on Himalayan mountain
158. Ptyrigopalatine canal is supplied by
a) Deep branch of petrosal nerve- ANS OK
b) superficial branch of petrosal nerve
c) maxillary nervr branch
159. Insertion of 1st lumbrical
160. Cholangiocarcinoma caused by
a) S. mansonei
b) S. Japonicum
c) S. Colonarisa ----ok
161. What passes through ligament teres of head of femur
a) obturator nerve branch---ok
b)branch of femoral artery
162. Contraindication for platelet
a. Auto antibodies to platelets ---ok
b. DIC
c. Splenomegaly
163. InG is in Largent quantity
164. At Mac burny point located
Tip of appendix
Base of appendix
In infants, tip of conical ceacum has appendix attached—ok?
165. Appendicectomy can damage to
Inferior epigestric artery
iliohypogastric nerve ----- I wrote This answer , Don’t know exact
ilioinguinal nerve\
166. In Osteomylitis of long bones, portal entry of infection by hematogenous route
a) Through epiphysis-ok
b) Metaphysis
167. Primary cartilageneous joint
a) Connect the to bones together- I wrote This answer , Don’t know exact
b) Present in pinna of ears
c) is fibrocartilage
168. The premalignant condition is
a) Psoriasis
b) Cervical erosion
c) myelodisplastic syndrome---------ok
d) leukoplakia
169. Common side effect of Isoprenlene, Nitroglycerine, Histamine, is- Don’t know
a) Hypertension
b) increased bronchial constriction
d) ?

170. Muscrinic receptors respond to

a) preganglionic parasympathetic
b) Postganglionic parasympathetic---------------Sok

171. What begins with Premalignant conditions?
a)Adenocarcinoma stomach

172. Stratified cuboidial epithelium is present in

a) Ducts of Salivary glands------ok
b) Distal convoluted tubules of nephron
c) Lacrimal gland ducts

173. The concentration of a substance in the blood is 10mg and in in urine is 100mg. The flow rate of urine is if 2 ml / min , what is its renal clearance?
HINT: use formula UV/ p
ANS: 20

174. 35 year old female Type I diabetic got fracture due to osteoporosis. The cause?
ANS: Insulin
a) insulin
b) Estrogen

175. Autosomal Dominant is

176. Amyloidosis result in
a) Adenocarcinoma stomach
177. Regarding RBC
a) buffer as accepter of oxygen
b)Only mature forms contain Hemoglobin
c) Adult hemoglobin is alpha and Gamma
d)Not transport oxygen
178. Does not cause Gangrene
a) Bacterial endocarditis
b)???? ANS

179. ADH will decrease in

a) Nausea
b) Pain
c) Anxiety
d) Decrease serum osmolrity

180. Varicose veins
a) Somewhat associated with smoking-------------ok
b) Only in lower limbs
c due to defect in adventitia

181. Primary ossification centre is
a) Epiphysis
b) Metaphysis
c) Diaphysis
182. A patient with sepsis is best diagnosed with
a) Pulse > 100
b) Pulse > 120
c) Positive bacterial culture

183. intestinal motility is decreased by

a) C C K
b) Gastrin
c) Trypsin
e) Insulin

184. Gross increase level of HCO3

a) Persistent vomiting
b) CRH
c) Lung fibrosis

185. Primary brain vesicle is

a) Mesencepholan
b) Telencepholan
c) Diencephalan

186. Microtubules are part of
a) Centrioles
b) Cell membrane

187. BP is increased when there is
a) Increased sympathetic output
b)Increased total peripheral resistance

188. Cardiac Muscles are

189. Femoral artery is best palpated on?
ANS: mid inguinal ligament
190. Carotid cartilage is
ANS: on base of thyroid
191. In brochhocscopy, Fist structure to be visualized is:
ANS: Right lower bronchus

193. Fatty Acids are transferred from adipose to liver in the form of?
a) Chylomicrons
b) HDL
c) LDL


15th OCT 2008(medicine & Allied)

1. In type 4 Hypersensitivity mainly cells are

a. T cells+macrophages
b. B cells+macrophages
c. IGE+T cells
d. B+T cells
e. None.

2: Malignant tertian malaria caused by

a. P.falciparum
b. P.malariae
c. P.knowlasea
d. P.ovale
e. P.vivax

3: In duodenal perforation the artery involves.

A. Gastro duodenal artery
B. Lt.Gastric Artery
C. Splenic Artery
D. Rt. Gastric Artery

4: Parasite transmission e no feco-oral route
A. Ent histolytica
B. E.Vernicularis
C. Tenia solium

5: Antimalarial drug e can be used other than malaria
A. Arthemether
B. Basoquine
C. Choroquine
D. Mefloquine
E. Quinine

6: About RT adrenal gland choose correct
A. Has same size in adults & infants
B. Has 3 arterial supply
C. Pyramidal in shape
D. Separate form kidney by perinephric fat

7: Typhoid fever
A. All pts becomes carrier
B. Roth spots on 7th day
C. Organism is B-hemolytic, non_lactose

8: Melanocytes derived from
A. Endoderm
B. Ectoderm
C. Neural crest cells
D. Pharyngeal arch
E. Lateral plate

9: Most of drugs are metabolize in
A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Kidney
D. Lungs

.10: ½ life of a drug
Options not remember

11: Premalignant condition
1. Cervical erosion
2. Myeloprolefrative

12: In Cushing decrease amount of
A. Neutrophils
B. Lymphocytes
C. Basophiles
D. Monocytes

13: Babinski sign -ve in
B. Sleep
C. New born

14: Loss of accommodation reflex due to occulumotor nerve site of lesion
A. Pons
B. Medulla
C. Midbrain

15: Aspiration of gastric contents go in the
A. Rt lower lobe of lungs

16: Comatose patient are more prone to regurgitation
A. Stomach full
B. Rt lateral position
C. Lt lateral position

17: Vein that doesn’t directly drain in the inferior vena cava
A. Hepatic vein
B. Lumber vein

18: Rt kidney doesn’t relate to
A. Liver
B. Ascending colon
C. Ribs
D. Descending colon

19: Fever, headache Mydriasis associated with no option of meningitis
Options not remember

20: An I/v urograph of old boy shows Excretion of dye normal at Rt side but absence of shadow of Lt kidney instead there is a small shadow above the bladder on Lt side Most likely
i. Crossed ectopic kidney
ii. Unilateral agenesis
iii. Non rotating kidney
iv. Pelvis kidney
v. Horse shoe kidney

21: Drug with inhibit COX-1 as well as COX-2
A. Diclofenic
B. Naproxen
C. Aspirin

22: Rx of salicylate poisoning which can increase the excretion of salicylate
B. Dehydration state
C. Diuretics
D. 10% D/W

23: organ having subcapsularis & receives afferents
A. Palatine tonsils
B. Lingual tonsils
C. Thymus
D. Lymph node
E. Spleen

24: End arteries are in
A. Spleen
B. Brain
C. Kidney
D. Lungs
E. Heart

25: Fat stores in body
A. Glucagons lipogenic
B. Insulin lipolysis
C. Body fat <5 g/dl
D. Epinephrine has lipolytic effect

26: IDDM main disturbance by causing
A. Resistance to insulin
B. Receptors destruction
C. Increase ketogenesis by liver

27: Thirst increase due to
B. Aldosterone
C. Eryropoietin
D. Angiotensin 2

28: Sound of mitral valve is best heart at
Left 5th I.C space in midclavicular line

29: AV valve closure is responsible to
A. 1st heart sound
B. 2nd heart sound
C. 3rd heart sound
D. 4th heart sound
E. None of the above

30: During cardiac cycle ventricles are filled in
A. Atrial systole
B. Rapid ejection
C. Isovolumetric relaxation
D. Rapid inflow

31: In neurogenic stock
A. Loss of vasomotor tone
B. Decrease C.O
C. Increase C.O

32: In Hemorrhage after compensation with one of the following decrease
A. Venous Compliance
B. H.R
C. Cardiac output

33: CCF pt developed tachycardia best management of RX

34: Site of SA node
A. Lower part of Crista Terminals of R.A
B. RT auricle
C. Sulcus terminalis
D. Upper part of Crista Terminals of R.A

35: Which one is essential Fatty Acid
A. Palmitic acid
B. Len oleic
C. Saturated F.A

36: Boy having edema due to renal
A. Decrease plasma colloid osmotic pressure
B. Due to decrease interstitial fluid osmotic pressure
C. Decrease capillary pressure

37: Histamine theophyline & Aminophylline have same action
A. To increase the gastric acid secretion

38: I/v large amount of DEXTROX will inhibit

39: Which 1 of the following is aggressive in nature?
A. Small cell carcinoma
B. Squamous cell carcinoma
C. Basal cell carcinoma
D. Nevis cell

40: CHEMOTAXIS is a feature of
A. CH.inflammation
B. AC.inflammtion

41: X-linked disorder
A. Marfan syndrome
B. Glycogen storage disease
C. Duchene muscular dystrophy
D. Cystic fibrosis

42: In factor 8 deficiency specific test is
C. Plat.count
D. Thrombin time
E. Fibrin products

43: Vomiting centre located in
A. Pons
B. Medulla
C. Midbrain
D. Cerebellum

44: Arousal is controlled by
A. Hypothalamus
B. Pituat.gland
C. Reticular Formation

45: Arterial supply of spinal cord
A. Vertebral artery
B. Ant. Choroidal artery
C. Post. Choroidal artery

46: Mast cells r released 4om
A. Esinophils
B. Basophiles
C. Neutrophils
D. Lymphocytes

47: Regarding Glomerulotubular balance. Choose correct 1.

48: Regarding parathyroid gland.
A. Located anterolateral 2 thyroid gland
B. Covered by pretracheal fascia
C. Supplied by sup. Thyroid artery
D. Derived 4om 1st pharyngeal arch

49: Radiosensitive tumor
A. Bone
B. Lymph node
C. Muscle
D. Cartilage

50: Rh incompatibility related 2
Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction
Type 2 hypersensitivity reaction
Type 3 hypersensitivity reaction
Type 4hypersensitivity reaction
None of the above

51: Regarding IGG2 cells

52: Regarding Th-2 cells

53: Hypovolumic shock
A. Hot peripheries
B. Inc. C.O
C. Inc. H.R
D. Inc. Urine O.P
E. Dec. H.R

54: Regarding Microscopic feature of CASEOUS Necrosis

55: Female pt. on oral contraceptive & u want to give her oral anticoagulant u must chk
C. PT & aPTT
D. Thrombin
E. Fibrin products

56: Pt. came after 1 day of RTA with c/o unable of standup after seated position. Probably muscle injury.
A. G.Maximus
B. G.Minimus
C. Sartorius
D. Gracilis
E. Q. Femorus

57:Pt. feel tingling sensation on rt. Thumb during c-setion after giving epidural anesthesia. its due to.
A. C4
B. C5
C. C6
D. C7
E. C8

58:Diagnosed pt. of sciatica cam in o.p.d with c/o loss of sensation of RT. Little toe with difficulty in eversion of Rt. Foot. Injury to
A. L3
B. L4
C. L5
D. S1
E. S2

59: Below the medial epicondyle of humerus passes
A. Median nerve
B. Radial nerve
C. Ulnar nerve
D. Long thoracic nerve
E. Musculocutaneous nerve

60: Intermittent Diplopia is a classical sign of
A. Mys. Gravis
B. Inc. I.C.P
C. Horner syndrome

61: Pt. expire due to sudden inc. B.P.Autopsy shows thinning of tunica media.COZ OF DEATH
A. Berry aneurysm
B. Dissecting aneurysm
C. Marfan aneurysm
D. Temporal arteritis

62: Artery enters in cranium & becomes the principle artery of brain
A. Common Carotid
B. External Carotid
C. Internal Carotid
D. Maxillary Artery
E. Temporal

63: 1 of the following is not epileptogenic
A. flouxitin
B. Amitriptyline
C. Imipramine

64: Opoid Toxicity causes
A. Nausea & vomiting
B. Psychosis
C. Pin point pupil
D. Resp. depression

65: 1 of the following is not classified as non barbiturate hypnotic
A. Bromide
B. Choral hydrate
C. Triazolam
D. Chlormethimazole

A. Adrenaline
B. Dopamine & Dobutamine
D. 10% D/W

A. V.Cholrea
B. C.Botilinium
C. E.Coli

68: Anemia of CRF is best treated with
A. Dialysis
B. Blood transfusion
C. Folic Acid
D. Iron
E. E-poi tin

69: Pellagra is due to def. of
B. Vita. C
C. Vita. B6
D. Folic acid

70: Site of constriction of esophagus. Chose correct one
A. Cricopharangeus
B. Left Bronchus crosses it
C. When enters in diaphragm
D. At cardiac end

71: Single cranial nerve which doesn’t contain parasympathetic fibers
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 7
E. 9

72: Tactile two point discrimination by
A. Pacinian
B. Ruffini
C. Free nerve endings
D. Merkel disc

73: Patient with resting tremors, rigidity, hypokinesia
A. Cerebellum
B. Parkinson disease

74: Motor aphasia due to lesion of
A. Wernicke’s area
B. Prefrontal gyrus
C. Sup. Temporal gyrus
D. Brocas area

75: Regarding lumber puncture which one is correct
A. Between L4 & L5
B. CSF pressure in mm of Hg
C. Spine fully extended
D. Angle of needle must be 45 degree
E. Advice to patient stands up immediately after L.P

76:Heat loose of body is controlled by
A. Lat. Hypothalamus
B. Preoptic hypothalamus (NO OPTION OF ANT. HYPOTHALAMUS)
C. Post. Hypothalamus
D. Thalamus
E. Hippocampus

77: Damage to dorsal column tract causes ipsilateral loose of
A. Pain
B. Fine touch
C. Temperature
D. Vibration

78: The first step occurs when light falls on retina
A. 11-Cisretinal to all Trans retinal

79: Lesion of mamillary body causes
A. Fear & rage
B. Hyper sexuality
C. Loose of Recent memory
D. Hyperphagia

80: Regarding facial nerve which one is correct?
A. Purely sensory
B. Give chorda tympani to posterior 1/3 of tongue
C. Supplies to middle ear
D. Supplies to stapedius muscle

81: CSF having proteins 400 mg/dl, glucose 40 & mainly lymphocytes. Diagnosis
A. Encephalitis
B. Cryptococcus virus
D. Bacterial meningitis
E. Viral meningitis

82: Lateral sulcus of cerebellum
A. Insula
B. Occipital lob

83: PH-7.54, O2-55 & CO2-25 cause of deranged ABG’S
A. Carbon mono oxide poisoning
B. Hysterical hypoventilation
C. Salicylate poisoning

83: Asthma diagnosed by
A. I.R.V
B. R.V
C. T.L.C
E. Tidal volume

84: Diagnosis of Emphysema
A. Physiological dead space
B. Physiological shunt
C. V/Q- affinity
D. V/Q-0
E. V/Q-1

85: Muscle of quite inspiration
A. Diaphragm
B. Intercostals muscle
C. Sternocladomastoid
D. Scalenius posterior

86: Muscle of forceful inspiration
A. External intercostals muscle

87: Regarding hemoglobin
A. Adult contains alpha-2 & gama-2
B. Contains iron in ferric form
C. Causes acidosis when add with H+

88: Receptors mediates increase heat rate
A. Alpha-1
B. Alpha-2
C. Beta-1
D. Beta-2
E. Nicotinic

89: Stress hormone of body called
B. Epinephrine

90: Heart muscle works as syncytium because of
A. Sarcomere
C. Gap junction
D. Tight junction
E. Intercalated disk

91: Preload depends on
A. EDV of L.V pressure
B. EDV of R.A pressure

92: Diagnosed case of thyrotoxicosis came to you with heart rate of 190b/mn. Best treatment is
A. Digoxin
B. Lidocain
C. Verapamil
D. Propanalol

93: Saw tooth P waves in ECG associated with
A. Atrial flutter
B. A.V block

94: Captoprill (M.O.A)
Blocks ACE enzyme

95: Cyanosis due to
A. Anemia hypoxia
B. When deoxihaemoglobin is more then 5g/dl

96: Pulmonary vasculature resistance increase in
A. High altitude

97: 1/3 of total body water contains
A. E.C.F
B. I.C.F
C. Plasma
D. Interstitial

98: GFR can be calculated by
A. 24 hours urinary out put
B. S.creatinine
C. B.U.N
D. Urea

99: S/Chloride maintained by kidney through
A. Na+-K+-2Cl co transportation in thick ascending L.O.H
B. Na+ -K+ - 2Cl co transportation in thin ascending L.O.H

100: INC. Aldosterone causes commonly
A. Acidosis
B. DEC. Rennin
C. Sodium depletion
D. K+ retention

101: M.O.A spironolactone

102: A.D.H is inhibited by
A. Alcohol
B. Hemorrhagic Shock
C. Pain
D. Exercise

103: Erythropoietin secreted from
A. Peritubular cells
B. Juxtaglomerular cells
C. Macula densa

104: Hormone which causes relaxation of all G.I.T muscles
A. G.I.P
B. Gastrin
C. Secretin
E. V.I.P

105: Which causes diarrhea when it reaches to large colon?
A. Glucose
B. Fructose
C. Lactose
D. Sucrose
E. Maltose

106: Pt. with puffy eyes & edema with dec. TSH & when TRH given TSH slightly rises.coz of disturbance is
A. Primary Hypothyroidism due to Hypothalamus

107: Neurphyposis contains
A. Cholinergic
B. Adrenergic
C. Secretory cells
D. Puituicytes

108: In autoimmune diseases of thyroid antibodies against
B. Thyroglobulin
C. Follicular cells
D. C cells

109: Amniocentesis shows 47XXY
A. Turner syndrome
B. Adrenogenital syndrome
C. Klinefelter syndrome

110: In pregnancy cause of Hyper Parathyriodism
A. Prim. Hypoparathyroidism
B. Becoz estrogen causes inhibition of bone resorption

111: Estrogen doesn’t have action
A. Delayed bone loss after menopause
B. Follicular growth
C. Inc. serum Cholesterol

112: HLA DR 27 associated with
A. Ankylosing spondilytis
B. Reiters Syndrome
C. R.A
D. S.L.E

113: Tumor marker of Thyroid carcinoma is
A. C.E.A
B. Calcitonin
C. Alpha fetoprotein
D. Beta H.C.G

114: Which hormone maintains body temperature by oxidative phosphorylation
A. Adrenal
B. Nor adrenaline
C. Cortisol
D. Thyroid gland

115: Hydrocele is the aculummation of fluid
A. Gubernaculums Testis
B. Scortal ligament
C. Tunica vaginalis
D. Vas deferens
E. Epidydimis

116: After gastrectomy pt. came with c/o
A. Iron def. anemia
B. Megaloblastic anemia due to folate
C. Pernicious anemia.

117: Old age Pt. came with jaundice Hb-10g/dl,S,Bili-2.8mg/dl,Retic 10%.U/S abdomen normal.whats Ur diagnosis.
A. Acute Hepatitis
B. Rotor syndrome
C. Dubin Johnson Syndrome
D. Gilbert Syndrome
E. Hepatitis B

118: IN Tumor immunity liver has a function of
A. To detoxify the toxic substances
B. Protein synthesis
C. Globulin Synthesis

119: Cholangio-Carcinoma caused by
A. Clonorchis –Sinesis
B. S.Hematobonium
C. S.Japanicum
D. Echunococcus Granuloses

120: Old age pt. Diagnosed as a case of OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE & now cam With c/o bleeding tendency. Which 1 of the following cause.
A. Due to bile stones
B. Defi. Of VIT.K due to DEC. absorption from gut

121: C.E.A is a tumor marker of
A. Breast
B. Colorectal Carcinoma
C. Testis
D. Thyroid

122: Juvenile Polyps are
A. Meckels diverticulum’s
B. Hyperplasic polyps
C. Hereditary non polpyposis
D. Colonic adenocarcinoma

123: Granuloma formation is not associated with
A. Sarcoidosis
B. T.B
C. Pneumococcal Pneumonia

124: Pt. came with distortion of nose, lymph nodes palpable, AFB +ve.whats Ur diagnosis
A. T.B
B. Sarcoidosis
C. Leprosy
D. None of the above

125: Which 1 of is not a Tumor marker
A. Alpha 1 antitrypsin
B. Vesmin
C. Desmin

126: Which 1 of the following is the diff. b/w malignant & benign tumor
A. Metastasis

127: Workers Having Increase chances 2 develop Malignancy
A. Tobacco
B. Coal
C. Asbestos worker

128: H.I.V pts. Have tendency to get infection of
A. E.B.V
B. H.P.V
C. H.S.P
D. Pneumocystitis carnii
E. Chicken Pox

129: Diagnosis of H.I.V when
A. Less CD4 cells count
B. Less CD8 cells count

130: Joint pain, Xerostomia, conjunctivitis sicca, associated with
A. Sjogran Syndrome
B. Scleroderma

131: Which 1 of the following is not associated with Dry gangrene?
A. D.M
B. Throboembolism
C. Bacterial Endocarditis

132: Platelets aggregation is due 2
A. Thromboxane A2
B. Prostaglandins
C. Cox 1
Cox 2

133: Which 1 of the following factor causes Delayed wound healing
Inc. Blood flow
Vit. C Deficiency
Vit. E deficiency

134: Diagnosed case of tuberculosis PPD or Tuberculin test found to be negative
Because of one of the following factor
A. A.T.T
B. Immunosuppressive
C. Steroid intake

135: Blood group having no antigen to A & B

136: About leukocyte adhesion factor responsible

138: In humans the End product of PURINE metabolism is
A. Xanthin
B. Urea
C. Uric Acid
D. Lactic Acid
E. Pyruvate